Monday, November 17, 2014

Thirty Days of Thankfulness - Day Seventeen


Not gonna lie---today was a rough day at school.  In all my years of teaching there are maybe 6 or 7 days that I can remember going home and being completely drained of all my enthusiasm for teaching---today is one of those days.  

Truthfully I was planning on doing a "thankful for Tuesday" post anyway because who doesn't enjoy a day off.  But today it takes on a little different meaning.  

Something was brought to light on Friday that made me do some exploration today into a situation.  I'm sorry but that is as specific as I will get.  I will keep specifics at school private. I will only say that it involved many students and it calls into question their current character.  The good news is that they are still very young and are a work in progress (aren't we all really) and hopefully we will be able to chalk this up to a learning experience that will help develop their future character.  

Anyway, I left school feeling very defeated and am so grateful that tomorrow is my day off.  I am enjoying my day off more this year because Zack homeschooling = being able to sleep in.  In past years, even with a day off, I still had to get up by 7 to get Zack to school on time.  

So tomorrow I will rest and recharge and be ready to face another day.   

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