Monday, November 24, 2014

Thirty Days of Thankfulness - Day Twenty Four

Just thankful to be home

This is our reality right now

Too early for this in my opinion and especially disappointing since we just got rid of our last snowfall with weather in the 40's this past weekend.

I hate driving in snow and part of me panics every time it snows when I am not at home.  Even though true Wisconsinites will say that this snowfall is "nothing", I am grateful that I am done with work at 1:00 on Mondays and I was pulling in my parking lot just as the rain was turning over to snow.  

Also especially grateful that I have Tuesdays off so with 4-7" of this gross stuff expected to fall overnight, I am glad I don't have to drive tomorrow morning either.  

What made me think I could survive another winter here????  

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