Saturday, November 29, 2014

Thirty Days of Thankfulness - Day Twenty Nine


When I was about 15, out of a desire to spend more time with my dad (because I'm a big daddy's girl), I sat down one Sunday on the floor in the living room to watch football with him.  I knew absolutely nothing about football and probably drove my dad crazy with questions..."what does holding mean...what is the difference between illegal contact and pass interference...why did he do that...why can't they do that... why can they do that?  The list goes on.  He answered each question so patiently and soon I knew as much about football as any male.  

Little did I know at the time that having a knowledge and interest in football would be useful in rearing three sons.  We've watched a lot of it in our household.  C.J. and I watched Packers games together but Jon and Zack are more into college football.  

I have been watching less pro football this year because of all the violence and illegal activity off the field by the players.  I was glad as it seemed they were really instituting a no tolerance policy lately but that all fell apart when Ray Rice was re-instated this past week - only months after knocking his wife unconscious.  This has now opened the door for Adrian Peterson's return after beating his child with a tree branch and pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge.  

But, football has provided many bonding opportunities with my dad and my boys and for that, I am thankful.   

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