Sunday, November 2, 2014

Thirty Days of Thankfulness - Day Two

Day Two belongs to Jon...

My tiny little Jonathan David.  

He had a rough go of it from the start with allergies to soy and soybeans...luckily he grew out of this by age 2.  

Funny that I always thought of Jon as a high spirited, active child but when watching home movies, he was actually pretty quiet and liked to play alone with his cars and trains.  

Jon is so strong-willed.  This trait made me crazy when he was growing up because no punishment or discipline worked with least he would never admit it.  He never saw the need to do homework since he "already knew how to do" whatever they were asking him to do.  

As he grew though, he used this strong will for good.  Peer pressure didn't stand a chance with him.  

He is such an interesting person to be around. He loves to talk history and politics and he is the king of useless trivia.  He always has some interesting fact or story to tell.  

I made my fair share of mistakes with Jon too - I think all mothers do - but am so glad he is willing to forgive me and has become such a great young man.

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