Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thirty Days of Thankfulness - Day Twenty Six


I know this is kind of lame but after being without internet for the majority of the day yesterday (hence not getting a post done) one comes to realize just how much of your life's existence depends on the internet.  

Zack was, of course, super duper happy because no internet meant he could not do school - which, in stark contrast made me very unhappy.  

But school aside, I realized just how much I use the internet. I use it a lot to satisfy my curiosity.   For instance, if I am watching a show and I don't know what they are talking about- -I google it.  If I am watching a true crime investigation show and I am too curious to wait for the conclusion to find out if the person is found guilty or innocent- - I google it.   If I am watching it and I just want to know more about the crime- - I google it.  

Many times yesterday I found myself instinctively grabbing for computer.  

Soon, I will backtrack and write a post for yesterday on how I was thankful for going a day without internet because Zack and I enjoyed some quality time last night playing games together...before I sat down and watched Nightmare on Elm Street (the original one)!   

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