Friday, November 21, 2014

Thirty Days of Thankfulness - Day Twenty One


Okay so it's not so much that I'm thankful for "her" as I am happy that I have "her".  

I first began looking into reborns a couple years ago.  The biggest draw back was always the price...they are pretty expensive and I could never justify the expense.  

It always remained in the back of my mind and every once in a while I would check out e-bay and see what they had to offer but  never found anything that I felt was a good deal. 
oh my cuteness...little lacy socks

Until last month.  I found this Arianna prototype doll for a steal! It was cheaper to begin with because it is a prototype and not a one of a kind reborn creation.  But even for a prototype it was a pretty nice price.  "She" is 28 inches and can wear all kinds of fun 12 or 18 month little girl clothes.  For someone who never had a little girl to dress I could have a lot of fun with that.  Not that I am going to run out and spend a lot of money on clothes for a doll...I;m not crazy! But she did come with a few cute outfits to choose from.  


These aren't great pictures of her - you can't even see her pretty headband.  I'll have to take more later.

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