Friday, November 14, 2014

Thirty Days of Thankfulness - Day Fourteen

Friday night routine

Friday is pretty much my favorite day of the week.  I have been blessed to have easy work days on Fridays as well...this year being done at 10:50.  

But it is our Friday night routine that I love the most.  Zack and I spend our Friday evenings at BWW.

Then we head over to Target (or the circle store as Zack used to call it) to do our weekly shopping.

and then home where I proceed to clean the entire thirty minutes...including washing and waxing floors!  

And finally collapse onto the sofa to watch TV - usually Forensic Files if nothing better is on - and munch on the chips and salsa I bring home from BWW...yummy.

And bed...the feeling of crawling into bed on a Friday night is the best!!!

Speaking's bedtime and my bed is waiting for me.

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