Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thirty Days of Thankfulness - Day Twenty Seven

A day with my boy

One of the reasons we are moving to Florida in May is that Zack and I are alone up here.  I have family near Milwaukee and a great best friend and both offered invitations to spend the day with them, but because we have a furry creature with four legs who needs to be taken care of, we passed on the offers and spent a quiet day at home alone.  

I started the day by putting up the Christmas tree.  It doesn't take long to assemble but once together each branch has two branches attached to it that need to be pulled out and arranged.  So, it is kind of tedious...but I think it is a beautiful tree and feel lucky that I was able to get it in the d-i-v-o-r-c-e.  

Midday I went over to my bff's house to take care of their dogs.  Ollie and Rudy frolicked in the backyard for about 15 minutes while Jamie was being stubborn and wanted to stay in the house.  I fed the dogs and eventually was able to get Jamie out too...she does things in her own time.  

I had bought a small turkey for Zack and me so it only took a couple hours to cook.  I made some mashed potatoes, corn, and cranberries (for me only) and we sat down to eat while watching Wreck-it-Ralph.  

Then later, we capped off our Thanksgiving together by playing Mario Party 2 and watching Monsters University.  

Arianna "watched" the activities from a chair in the living room

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