Thursday, March 17, 2016

Random Stuff

Spring Break Time

This means I could probably have unlimited hours at work if I was interested in working every single day.  In theory, this sounds wonderful, but in reality, I am not at an age anymore where I have the energy necessary for this.  So instead, I am working 9 out of 13 days.  3 down and 6 to go.  

Speaking of work, we have undergone a lot of changes since I took a week off for my WI trip.  We have a new manager, two new team captains, and a new milkshake machine.  The milkshake machine and I are not great friends.  First of all, the addition of this machine has increased our serving responsibilities which slows us down, which makes customers wait longer for their food, which makes unhappy customers.  And then, the other day, the cover popped off and the shake mix spilled all over the refrigerator.  It took me a half hour to clean that mess up.  I found out the cover had popped off the day before as well spilling mix all over the that can't keep happening.  

What is up with the word 'nigger"?  I never use this work because of the negative connotations that go along with it.  However, as I was walking Ollie today, a maintenance man was coming out of the pool and had a device playing music on his waistband...and the words, 'I had the nigger by his shirt' were part of this rap that was playing.  So my feeling is that either that word is acceptable or not acceptable!  Which is it?  If I, as a teacher, were to call one of my student's that (which I would NEVER do), I would be in a world of trouble...but put it in a rap song and it's gold!  

And now, to vent some frustration, I am going to relate this story.  Zack has somehow 'ruined' 4 computers since October!  

- In October, the hard drive crashed on Computer #1. Thankfully, I always purchase the 2 year protection plan and, since it was still under warranty, it was sent in and the hard drive was replaced.  However, because he goes to school online and could not be without a computer for the two weeks it took to fix, I purchased computer #2.  

- In November, we got Computer #1 back and things were great for a couple weeks.  I had my laptop, Zack had computer #2, and I used computer #1 to watch Netflix and Youtube. 

- In December, Computer #2 went down...after only two months!  Again, needing a computer for school, I gave him computer #1 back while computer #2 was in the shop.  

- A month went by and computer #1 bites the dust - again!  But, we had computer #2 back and I had mine so we were fine.  The warranty expired on computer #1 so I did not want to pay to fix it. 

- At the end of January  Best Buy had a sale on computers and I found one that was ridiculously cheap.  My plan was to buy it and use it for Netflix and the like and cancel cable (which I was paying $120.00/month for). So I purchased computer #3.  

- Two weeks later, computer #2 isn't working again!  So I give him computer #3 for school.

- #3 became a victim last week.  

Tomorrow, I have an appointment with Geek Squad to look at both computer #2 and #3.  Zack will be coming along. My feeling is they both have a virus from him downloading things *despite having virus protection* and I want him to be present to hear the lecture and discuss safe and unsafe things to do with a computer. 


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