Monday, March 7, 2016

Wisconsin Trip - Day Nine

An early start this morning...we were up, dressed, packed up, and ready to go by 5:30.  Saying bye was hard but it was made easier knowing that Carey is coming down to Orlando in June.  

Driving today was just okay.  It rained a bit in Indiana and we had small traffic tie-ups in Milwaukee (at 6:45 in the am...what's up with that), Chicago, and Nashville, but otherwise it was pretty smooth driving.  

We are staying the night in Murfreesboro at the same motel we would stay at when we would drive down for Christmas.  We also hit up the same Cracker Barrel for dinner. 

Tomorrow home - to the 80* temps.  YES!

Pictures from the day
Great America Illinois

This is how one would think Ollie would travel but...

This is more accurate... he spent the entire drive looking at the backseat longing to jump back there...sadly, there was no room.

Lake Forest Oasis for breakfast

Chicago O'Hare nearby

Welcome to Indiana



Burger King for lunch in Columbus, Indiana

Welcome to Kentcuky

Welcome to Tennessee


Motel 6 in Murfreesboro, Tennessee

Cat in the motel room next to us did not go unnoticed.  

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