Monday, December 31, 2012

Day Twelve

Not much to mention about the daytime.  I fell asleep this afternoon - I guess my immune system isn't as awesome as I think it is (or want it to be) because I seem to have come down with my mom's cold...which then, because it's me, seeps right into my chest producing a horrible, burning, painful cough!  Thankfully, I brought along my cough medicine with me...but the down side is being sleepy.  I didn't mean to fall asleep - it just happened while my parents were at their eye appointments and before I knew it I had been asleep for 1.5 hours.

Ollie, however, had an exciting day with a couple walks:

And finding a squirrel on the lanai:

Around dinnertime we met Chris and the boys at the McDonalds in Daytona to pick up Jon and Zack.  That also meant saying goodbye to C.J. until probably Spring Break.  Even now, two years later, saying goodbye doesn't get any easier.

Gosh, do I love my boys and miss the days when we were all together.

We had a quiet New Years Eve with our traditional meatballs and shrimp. (Zack's plate had pretzels instead of shrimp)

Some good conversation

Another walk...and a little football in the dark.
No one made it up to midnight

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