Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Day Six (Christmas Day)

Because C.J. had to work today and because we had our big gathering last night...we spent the day alone - as without company.

Whenever my mom starts getting ready for the day, crazy animal thinks she is going to take him for a walk and he follows her around and howls.

Aaaannnnddd of course she falls for his cuteness, gives in, and takes him.

Today was very nice weather so Zack was able to swim.

But I guess one person can't have too much in the pool by himself so we didn't stay long.

We soon switched to pool of a different kind.

Ollie spent the better part of his day hunting for squirrels on the lanai.  But the squirrels would not cooperate.

After our wonderful Christmas dinner of leftovers, we piled in the car and drove to Holly Hill to see the Twi-Light Hotel's Christmas light display.  

It is unbelievable the amount of lights/decorations they have here.  You can drive through it or walk through it - we walk.  

Ollie, of course, thought everyone that passed us wanted to pet him.  And there were a lot of people there...in  the past we have come when no one else was there.

Zack would not sit by the fake Santa - he thought he was "too mature" for it...so mom volunteered instead...she's not mature at all!

Zack does this thing with my mom where he teases her by treating her like she is old and feeble and needs help walking...from a distance it looks like he is being this sweet, attentive child...but...that is not his intention.

And that was our Christmas...I hope yours was wonderful too.

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