Saturday, December 6, 2014

Airport and Insurance

We picked up C.J. last night from the airport but, of course, the batteries in my camera died after one picture of the airport Christmas tree - so no pictures of the airport pick-up this time.  

This also happened yesterday:

And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Jesus Christ             Philippians 4:19

God once again used circumstances to teach me a valuable lesson about worry and fear.

One of the things I have been most worried about since leaving the hubby is health insurance.  We have had our insurance through his job - and it is pretty good insurance with no deductibles, reasonable co-pays, and good prescription coverage. 

My prescription for tramadol is over $130.00/month without insurance and I can't afford that.  The thought of going back on generic, low cost, pain pills that never really worked well did not make me happy.  

I knew from doing some research that Zack would qualify for insurance benefits through the state but because they use a different pay scale for adults, I would not qualify because I made too much money.

When you fill out an application for state benefits, they automatically submit one for the entire household...Zack's was accepted but my application was bumped to the marketplace.  I started receiving notices in the mail a few weeks ago stating the open enrollment dates (which will end tomorrow).  Perfecting the craft of procrastinating, I waited till yesterday to get serious about following up with my application.  

I followed a link to the application page and began to fill out the first page - stuff like name, address, phone number, e-mail... and, believe it or not, 30 seconds after submitting the first page, my phone was ringing.  Side note: I think these people work on commission because I have since received 5 more calls from marketers trying to find me the "best deal".  

Anyway, I had set aside two hours to get this insurance thing done and it took less than a half hour...more like 15 minutes.

I am so grateful for the insurance coverage I ended up with...after tax credit I will pay $50.00/month for:
-$10.00 office co-pay
- $100.00 ER co-pay
-$5.00 prescription co-pay for generic/$30.00 for name brand
- 100% coverage for all preventive testing (mammograms, etc)

You can't believe how worried I was about this.  At times, I broke out in a cold sweat just thinking about it..when all the while I should have realized that God had it all under control.  

So happy today.  

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