Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Day Seven was obvious from the moment I tried to get out of bed this morning that nothing had changed with my back pain.  

I moved on about the day and made the most of it.  

For about the fifth year in a row mom, Zack, and I started our Christmas Eve with breakfast/lunch at Cracker Barrel...and we also hit the jackpot because all Gator paraphernalia was 50%off!!!!  I just may have picked up a few things.  

Even though it was Christmas Eve it felt more like the 4th of July with temperatures in the low 80's - and a bit humid too - so I took Zack to swim in the afternoon.

He found a little friend to play football with.  

At night we had my sister over and had some appetizers and opened presents.
Someone was a little excited to get started

Ollie waiting for his turn

Florida ---what else?

Yep...even Ollie got treats from grandma

Now it's time to watch the Christmas Story marathon on TV!

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