Friday, December 26, 2014

Day Nine

I'm not even sure why I am continuing to do these ridiculous daily updates...this is the absolute worst Christmas trip I have had.

This is how I spent my thrilling afternoon

With my computer while lying on the heating pad

I see no end in sight for this flipping back pain and it is getting V.E.R.Y. A.N.N.O.Y.I.N.G!  I refuse to go to the ER and spend $100.00 only to be told it is nothing. They would probably give me a muscle relaxer which I cannot take anyway so it's not worth it.  I just have to deal with it.     

At night I sucked it up and went to Bells and Target...walking slowly and leaning on the shopping carts it actually went pretty well.

I love Bells.  They have great clothes and great prices.  I had to make myself stop at three shirts though or I would have spent way too much money.    

Of course Ollie came along for the ride

I am hoping so badly tomorrow is better.  I have so much I want to do while I am here...and actually enjoy doing them without pain.  

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