Thursday, December 25, 2014

Day Eight

This back thing is crazy...I've never had back pain this long before.  Truthfully, it probably wouldn't bother me so much if I was at home and could just sit around.  But there are so many things I enjoy doing here that I am unable to do.  

I would usually be taking Ollie for 2-3 walks a day but I have only taken him on 3 walks total so far - and none since Saturday night before I did whatever it is that I did to my back.  

It cooled down significantly today and probably topped out at 68* or so.  I decided to walk Ollie around the block and, while it took a while, I got it done!
Finally mommy is going to take me for a walk

He spent the majority of the rest of the afternoon watching a squirrel on the lanai.

Trust was a really big deal to him.

Because Jon had to work at Universal Studios until 3:00 today, we did not have our dinner until about 5:00.  Mom spent all day cooking an amazing meal - turkey, stuffing, yams, cranberries, etc. I wish I could have helped more but I did make the rolls - so there's that.

And even though it was after 5:00 and the sun was setting, the boys still got to play their annual football game

Could not get Jon to look at me with the reindeer ears on

Zack went home with Chris and the boys until Sunday and he will go to the Tampa Bay Lightning game with them Saturday it's just me and the dog - and my parents for the next couple days.  

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