Monday, December 22, 2014

Day Five

This was a day that was totally wasted by my inability to move around.  I had great hopes my back would have been better today -  but no!   

I had wanted to knock off some Christmas shopping but by the time I was done with my shower, it was clear that I was not going anywhere anytime soon.

I ate some lunch and lied down and actually fell asleep for a couple hours.  It was a beautiful day but I couldn't even take Ollie for a walk.  

This was right before he was naughty and decided to take off after a squirrel.  

We had spaghetti for dinner and rode around to look at some Christmas lights.  We intended to walk through the display in Town Center but "someone" couldn't walk.  I wanted them to go without me but they wouldn't.  

Anyway, if the back isn't better by tomorrow I will be going to the ER.  Sucks to spend your vacation like this.  Especially since I have no idea whatsoever what I did.  

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