Sunday, January 19, 2014

Golden Ticket

For the past two years Zack has been part of our Middle School's drama department play.

Two years ago he wasn't taking Drama for a class but they were short handed so he stepped in and played a cop.  Ollie was also in that play.

Last year he played the lead male role of Matthew in Anne of Green Gables - and did a great job too.

This year's play was Charlie and the Chocolate factory and he was Charlie's grandpa Joe.  He didn't have a whole lot of lines to memorize (like last year) but he was on stage for every scene  of the play except the first.

"grandpa Joe" talking to Charlie

Grandpa Joe and Charlie in front of the chocolate factory

The five golden ticket winners and their families. I guess they must have had too many girls and not enough parts because a couple of the kids ad both parents there and the mothers had no lines.

Augustus Gloop drinking from the chocolate river

The best picture of I could get of the Oompa Loompas

kids are slowly disappearing

only Charlie is left

Everyone did fantastic overall.  

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