Sunday, January 5, 2014

Day Seventeen - 2014

This was an absolutely beautiful day weather wise.  

It was so hard to think about having to go back to bitter cold temps and snow.

BUT - last winter we will have to deal with that.

Every Sunday my mom and dad meet my sister for lunch - so today we were able to join them.  My sister had no idea that we had extended our stay so she was really surprised to see us!
everyone is laughing at Zack

he grabbed my dad's glasses and hat and put them on

seriously beautiful day

look at all that green grass

Ollie rode with his head hanging out the window and attracted a bit of attention.  Seriously, while stopped at red lights, two separate cars rolled their windows down to ogle at him and ask what kind of dog he was.

a bit of football before leaving

We left around 5:00 and drove to Tifton, Georgia before stopping for the night.
he doesn't get to stay there - I DO NOT share my bed with dogs!

resting at the motel

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