Monday, December 31, 2012

Day Twelve

Not much to mention about the daytime.  I fell asleep this afternoon - I guess my immune system isn't as awesome as I think it is (or want it to be) because I seem to have come down with my mom's cold...which then, because it's me, seeps right into my chest producing a horrible, burning, painful cough!  Thankfully, I brought along my cough medicine with me...but the down side is being sleepy.  I didn't mean to fall asleep - it just happened while my parents were at their eye appointments and before I knew it I had been asleep for 1.5 hours.

Ollie, however, had an exciting day with a couple walks:

And finding a squirrel on the lanai:

Around dinnertime we met Chris and the boys at the McDonalds in Daytona to pick up Jon and Zack.  That also meant saying goodbye to C.J. until probably Spring Break.  Even now, two years later, saying goodbye doesn't get any easier.

Gosh, do I love my boys and miss the days when we were all together.

We had a quiet New Years Eve with our traditional meatballs and shrimp. (Zack's plate had pretzels instead of shrimp)

Some good conversation

Another walk...and a little football in the dark.
No one made it up to midnight

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Day Eleven

There are no pictures of Day 11.  The reason?  Well, it was a boring day. 

The only place I went was to my sister's apartment in the evening for pizza and to watch the Packer's play.  While I was there I guess I convinced myself that I didn't have my camera with me (though later I found that it had been in my purse the whole time).

Not a big deal since there wasn't much to photograph anyway. 

It was a cold, cold day here...I don't think it even got to 55* - even though the forcasters said it wold be 62*. 

Fortunately tomorrow is supposed to be lovely out - mid 70's - so maybe we can enjoy our last couple days here before returning to the frozen tundra of the north~!!!!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Day Ten

Today Zack and I drove over to Orlando.  This was the the nicest weather day we've had this week.

I was glad we were not going east.

Zack opened up his gifts from Chris

Then we went to Dave and Busters

C.J. and Zack challenged each other to basketball games.  In the first game little brother beat big brother.
But then big brother stepped it up and won the rest of the games...even beating the high score of the day to win all these tickets.
We ended the night with an Orlando Magic basketball game at the Amway Center.

The Magic played horrible!!!!!  But I still had a good time.
Zack didn't though...this pretty much sums up his feelings about the game.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Day Nine

Zack roped my mom into taking him swimming this was, of course, wwwwaaaayyy too cold so he wasn't there long.

The later in the afternoon I took Ollie for another walk and Zack and I played some more pool.

Wanna know the difference between a tourist and a local?
65* today =


If you wonder which one I am...I am technically a tourist who acts like a local.

At night we drove to St. Augustine along A1A

Ollie, of course, thinks he owns the front seat. Any person up there is just a booster seat for him.

I don't have pictures from St. Augustine because all we did is eat at Dairy Queen and drive back.  Both mom and dad decided they didn't feel well enough to walk around.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Day Eight

There are no pictures to go with today's post - mostly because we didn't really do anything. 

We went out breifly at lunch time and Zack had McDonald's for lunch and then we stopped at the Dollar Tree for snacks (for Zack too).

Other than that excitement...we didn't do a thing for the rest of the day.  We did not even mosey up to the clubhouse for a game of pool!

My mom, being the Italian she is, made some amazing ravioli for supper and I took Ollie for a couple walks today...end of excitement.

My dad had a doctor appointmet at 3:00 for a sinus infection/cough and my mom went with him but Zack and I stayed home.

Now my mom is having similar symptoms so once again I can test the effectiveness of my amazing immune system.

And that was Day Eight...low key and relaxing.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Day Seven

Once we were all ready this morning, we headed out to Wal-mart so Zack could spent the money that was burning a hole in his new Gator wallet.  he picked out a nice pair of Gator shorts and a jersey.
Then we headed over to to eat at one of favorite places 

In the afternoon I made some cookies - may as well pig out while on vacation.

Ollie started a new thing today...standing by the back door and whining.  Very annoying!!!

And a mystery since that door only leads to the garage.

Later, I took him for a walk.  Even though the day started out like this:
In the afternoon it looked like this:
My mom and dad had a little house guest on their lanai.
At night we went to another of our favorite restaurants for dinner.

We ended the night with a couple games of pool.

And that was day seven!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Day Six (Christmas Day)

Because C.J. had to work today and because we had our big gathering last night...we spent the day alone - as without company.

Whenever my mom starts getting ready for the day, crazy animal thinks she is going to take him for a walk and he follows her around and howls.

Aaaannnnddd of course she falls for his cuteness, gives in, and takes him.

Today was very nice weather so Zack was able to swim.

But I guess one person can't have too much in the pool by himself so we didn't stay long.

We soon switched to pool of a different kind.

Ollie spent the better part of his day hunting for squirrels on the lanai.  But the squirrels would not cooperate.

After our wonderful Christmas dinner of leftovers, we piled in the car and drove to Holly Hill to see the Twi-Light Hotel's Christmas light display.  

It is unbelievable the amount of lights/decorations they have here.  You can drive through it or walk through it - we walk.  

Ollie, of course, thought everyone that passed us wanted to pet him.  And there were a lot of people  the past we have come when no one else was there.

Zack would not sit by the fake Santa - he thought he was "too mature" for mom volunteered instead...she's not mature at all!

Zack does this thing with my mom where he teases her by treating her like she is old and feeble and needs help walking...from a distance it looks like he is being this sweet, attentive child...but...that is not his intention.

And that was our Christmas...I hope yours was wonderful too.