Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Day Fourteen

Today was mellow and calm - which I very much appreciated after the past couple days!

It was also pretty sad.  Right after waking up this morning I got a text that the mother of someone I work with had died this morning.  Then I get on Facebook and see a general message to our church community to pray for a woman who lost her 2 year old son.  She put him to bed the night of the 23rd - and he never woke up.

How do you ever get over something like that - you don't!  Ever!  All I could think about was that it was Christmas Eve morning and she probably had all his presents bought and wrapped and ready to put under the tree.  It's an unthinkable situation in general but I think the fact that it was Christmas Eve morning breaks my heart even more.

However, it sure puts things into perspective for me.  I have many changes coming in 2015 - some are happy, some are sad, and some are going to be downright difficult (like saying goodbye to my bff) but whatever I will be going through is nothing compared to that.

I am looking forward to an exciting 2015...moving to Orlando will top the list.  Being near my boys again and my parents and sister again makes me so happy.  

Anyway, today was cool and cloudy/rainy/sprinkling which is a stark contrast from the weather we've been having lately.  Mom, Zack, and I went out to Cracker Barrel for breakfast/lunch and that was about it for the day.  I took Ollie for a couple walks, we had meatballs and mashed potatoes for dinner, and I watched Lifetime movies while sipping on a glass of wine...#iamapartyanimal.

No pictures today.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Day Thirteen

Today was another "g-r-e-a-t" day.

I'm just being real embarrassing as it may be

I confess that my almost 16 year old sulked and pouted for 45 minutes this morning because he did not have enough Christmas money to buy a WiiU.  

Now, standing alone, the situation bothered me because a 16 year old is a little too old to be sulking - much less sulking for 45 minutes.

But what really bothered me in all of this is that it really shed light on the inability he has to problem solve in certain circumstances and his inability to cross hurdles in his path and make a plan to get to a desired goal.  

So...long story short...I lost my VERY upset...and it took a while to calm down.  Add to that the residual effect of a migraine from the day before and it was not a pretty picture.  

By evening, with a plan in motion to work toward a WiiU, we set off for dinner at Steak-n-Shake and a trip to Target to spend a portion of his Christmas money (while saving some of his Christmas money).  
image from google

$3.99 for a double burger and fries

Surely, this will not go down as one of the better Christmas trips we have had.  

Monday, December 29, 2014

Day Twelve

This day was just another  "red letter" day of this vacation...can you hear my sarcasm?

Today a migraine found it's way into my my head and blessed me with a pounding headache for much of the day.  After taking several doses of Tylenol/Motrin in alternating combination, the headache subsided about 4:00 - which is when the real fun started because then the nausea set in.  

Fun times I'm telling you!  To make a long story short - I vomited twice, took some medicine for nausea and sucked it up so we could go to St. Augustine at night like we had planned.  

We ate at Wendy's and walked along St. George street...I only took one  picture.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Day Eleven

Today was a nice day

We headed over to Orlando to spend some time visiting with Chris and the boys.  

Unfortunately Jon had to work so he was not there but we had a nice time with CJ and Chris.

The reason for the visit was mainly to pick up Zack who had spent the last couple days there but we also had good company to watch the big game with.

And it turned out to be a good one

Some pictures from the day
The only time Zack will be wearing a Packers shirt - I was shocked

A Christmas present

Sign in Jon's room

Do you see that?  80* at 6:13 - the weather has been unbelievable

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Day Ten

I'm almost afraid to say this but my back felt so much better today. Dare I say I even enjoyed today? I still kept the Aleve going all day long but - wow - what a difference today.  

Mom and I went to Target so she could pick up some 50% off Christmas things and we stopped off at Panera for lunch. I had never been to one.

The weather is more like weather Florida normally gets in March/April and has been in the 80's every day (except Christmas day).  I really find it hard to believe that anyone would enjoy the bleak gray and white landscape of a Wisconsin winter to the beautiful colors of a Florida winter.

"forget the pictures mom...let's get walking"

a walking selfie

At night my sister, me, my mom, and my dad went for pizza at Manny's in Ormond Beach and then I went back to my sis's apartment and we watched Jersey Boys.  
Manny's Pizza

Still 72*

at 5:43

Friday, December 26, 2014

Day Nine

I'm not even sure why I am continuing to do these ridiculous daily updates...this is the absolute worst Christmas trip I have had.

This is how I spent my thrilling afternoon

With my computer while lying on the heating pad

I see no end in sight for this flipping back pain and it is getting V.E.R.Y. A.N.N.O.Y.I.N.G!  I refuse to go to the ER and spend $100.00 only to be told it is nothing. They would probably give me a muscle relaxer which I cannot take anyway so it's not worth it.  I just have to deal with it.     

At night I sucked it up and went to Bells and Target...walking slowly and leaning on the shopping carts it actually went pretty well.

I love Bells.  They have great clothes and great prices.  I had to make myself stop at three shirts though or I would have spent way too much money.    

Of course Ollie came along for the ride

I am hoping so badly tomorrow is better.  I have so much I want to do while I am here...and actually enjoy doing them without pain.  

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Day Eight

This back thing is crazy...I've never had back pain this long before.  Truthfully, it probably wouldn't bother me so much if I was at home and could just sit around.  But there are so many things I enjoy doing here that I am unable to do.  

I would usually be taking Ollie for 2-3 walks a day but I have only taken him on 3 walks total so far - and none since Saturday night before I did whatever it is that I did to my back.  

It cooled down significantly today and probably topped out at 68* or so.  I decided to walk Ollie around the block and, while it took a while, I got it done!
Finally mommy is going to take me for a walk

He spent the majority of the rest of the afternoon watching a squirrel on the lanai.

Trust was a really big deal to him.

Because Jon had to work at Universal Studios until 3:00 today, we did not have our dinner until about 5:00.  Mom spent all day cooking an amazing meal - turkey, stuffing, yams, cranberries, etc. I wish I could have helped more but I did make the rolls - so there's that.

And even though it was after 5:00 and the sun was setting, the boys still got to play their annual football game

Could not get Jon to look at me with the reindeer ears on

Zack went home with Chris and the boys until Sunday and he will go to the Tampa Bay Lightning game with them Saturday it's just me and the dog - and my parents for the next couple days.  

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Day Seven was obvious from the moment I tried to get out of bed this morning that nothing had changed with my back pain.  

I moved on about the day and made the most of it.  

For about the fifth year in a row mom, Zack, and I started our Christmas Eve with breakfast/lunch at Cracker Barrel...and we also hit the jackpot because all Gator paraphernalia was 50%off!!!!  I just may have picked up a few things.  

Even though it was Christmas Eve it felt more like the 4th of July with temperatures in the low 80's - and a bit humid too - so I took Zack to swim in the afternoon.

He found a little friend to play football with.  

At night we had my sister over and had some appetizers and opened presents.
Someone was a little excited to get started

Ollie waiting for his turn

Florida ---what else?

Yep...even Ollie got treats from grandma

Now it's time to watch the Christmas Story marathon on TV!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Day Six

Well I woke up and my back most definitely did not feel better...not much different than yesterday.  

I decided to just suck it up and skipped the trip to the ER.  

God's timing was perfect on this one because normally we go to Universal Studios on one of our first days here.  This year, they switched the complimentary ticket rules and we are not able to go until one of our last days here.

But there is no possible way that I would have been able to walk around Universal Studios with my back feeling like this.  

Anyway, I did venture out to get some Christmas shopping accomplished and we had lunch at Steak-n-Shake again.  And yes - Joe Gatto look alike was working again.

Then at night we decided to take advantage of the gorgeous weather to drive to Holly Hill and walk through the light display.  

We returned to Palm Coast and walked through their light display as well.  I held up pretty well...meaning I didn't pass out from the pain.  

The weather was actually pretty warm and humid for December -80* today and probably only in the 60's at night.  

The Grief Train

  To inject some kind of light-heartedness into our situation, I like to say that the grief train paid us a visit and just will not leave!  ...