You could see Jurassic World...or you could experience it!
Tonight, we experienced it!
C.J., Zack, and I went to the IMAX at Pointe Orlando to see Jurassic World in 3D.
At $21.00 a ticket we won't be doing this a lot but we thought this was the perfect movie to see on the IMAX screen.
We got there early (more on that little nugget later) and I was a bit in awe at how big the screen was.
I couldn't find information on the size of the screen but the website said there were 450 seats in the auditorium and more that 3/4 of them were full.
As a side note: I could not believe that small children were brought to this movie. I'm talking children no older than 3 -5 years old. This was a violent movie people! Not for children!
Anyway...time for a little rant...little known fact about me is that I have a form of claustrophobia. When attending events like this or indoor sporting events, I feel trapped if there are people in front of me, in back of me, and on either side of me. If just one of those places is empty, then I am fine...
So, we arrived at 6:15 - 45 minutes before the movie started. We strategically placed ourselves so to leave three seats on the left of me thinking a party of 2 could sit there and still leave an empty seat between them and me. I put my sweatshirt and purse on the seat next to me as if to "save" it. I was pretty surprised when the movie started and no one had attempted to occupy those seats.
OF COURSE...15 minutes AFTER the movie starts...cue the couple barging their way through the line of people who were watching the movie to get to those two seats. AND THEN...they have the gall to say to me, "that (empty) seat has a stain on it, can you move your stuff so she sit in that one?"
What I felt like saying:"Um...a stain is not going to kill her!"
What I ended up saying:
"I guess so."
I had no choice but to say yes and endure being occasionally uncomfortable. Luckily the movie kept my mind off this situation for most of the time. But I was not happy. I know I expect a lot and it would be easier to just sit on the end of the row (I usually do) but, in this instance, we arrived early and claimed that seat for US!
End rant!
The movie was great...but violent. I, of course, did not like the scene where the brontosaurus was dying and whining in pain while being comforted by one of the workers. Yeah, could have done without that scene. Otherwise...good...and did I mention violent?
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