Tuesday, June 23, 2015

A Full On 38333 - Crisis Averted

I think of myself as a pretty organized person.  When a task is put before me I may procrastinate like crazy, but when it comes down to the wire, I like to be prepared and have all my t's crossed and my i's dotted.  

Orientation for my Universal job began today so last night (procrastination) I grabbed my "welcome folder" and looked through it pretty thoroughly to ensure that I had everything in order.

So when I showed up this morning for the orientation in shorts and a nice shirt I was immediately addressed by a security guard informing me that dress was to be business casual and I would not be allowed to stay wearing the outfit I had on...SUGAR!!! I was told this at my interview - why didn't I remember this???

I was so mad at myself!  This was a 38333 (code for emergency if you're "in the know"). 

 I had given myself plenty of time this morning and had gotten there early but not early enough that I could go all the way home, change, and make it back by the 9:30 cut off (it was 9:15).  Several others were in the same predicament as me - some claiming they were never informed about the dress code - and they were at the desk rescheduling orientation...but I wasn't about to give up so easily.

I was bold and asked for a time cutoff - the absolute latest I could get back and still take part in the orientation and I was told 9:59.  Yep, not 10:00 but 9:59.   There was hope.

I ran out the door, ran to my car, and took off for Target to buy myself a pair of pants.  By and large the traffic lights worked in my favor and I was able to run into Target, locate some pants that would work, grab a pair that were on a hanger labeled size 8, check out, and get back by 9:45!  

Things were going great...I was shown where the bathroom was so that I could make a quick change and that is when I noticed that the pants, which had been on a size 8 hanger, were actually a size 4.

"Oh heck no," I thought..."these are not going to fit."  

"I don't care" I thought again..."I do not want to reschedule this orientation so I am going to squeeeeeeze myself into these pants and if I can't button them I'll hide it with my shirt."  

So I slipped on the pants and I was amazed when they fit!  And they fit perfectly.  

Please don't ruin my blossoming ego by telling me "Target sizes run big."  Let me think I have lost an amazing amount of weight and dropped 2 pant sizes!  Actually 6's usually fit me too so maybe only 1 pant size.  But still.  

Orientation was pretty fun and now I am an official team member.

This is gonna be fuuuuuuuun!

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