Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Movie Sunday

One of the best things about being in Orlando now is being able to do little things with the boys any time we feel like it.  

So when C.J. called and asked if we wanted to go with him to see the Avengers movie, we dropped everything and went...even though we had seen it already.  

Obviously we went to the Cineplex at Universal Studios.  

After the movie and on the way home, I stopped at Wal-Mart on Turkey Lake Road - NEVER!  AGAIN! Same old story as Oshkosh Wal-Mart...shelves not stocked, questionable people everywhere, shelves a mess, and employees standing around and not working!

When I parked the car and started walking in two young boys/men were taking carts out of the cart corrals to "supposedly" bring in the store.  When I finished my shopping and walked back to my car, there they were - two rows of stacked grocery carts in the middle of the parking lot.  They did not even bother to bring them into the store.  Thankfully, I was not one of the cars that were parked in by the carts.  

We then picked up KFC, went home, ate, and put Zack's room together.  

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