Sunday, December 27, 2015

Orlando Forecast, Shopping, Driving, and Work

Our forecast for the next 5 days is temperatures between 84-87* before cooling down to the average temperature of 73* by Friday.  I have only had my air conditioning off 1 day since moving here at the end of May.  If I had to pay for air conditioning then I would be telling a different story but since power is included in my rent...why not?  

I HAD to do my grocery shopping last night.  These images are from Google but they accurately depict what the Orlando Wal-Mart looked like. 

One young (maybe 12) girl passed me and said, "it looks like it's Black Friday."  True Dat!

Then there were the two times I was forced to slam on my brakes to avoid accidents on the way home.  Both times the drivers were switching lanes at the last minute without even looking first.  For the next week the only time I am driving is to and from work! 

Tomorrow I begin a stretch of working 7 out of the next 9 days.  After two months of working only a handful of times, I am grateful for the hours and am hoping that with the South American tourist season stretching into January I will be able to get some consistent hours. 

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