Monday, December 14, 2015

Magic Kingdom Monday Night

Zack and I decided to get one more trip to the Magic Kingdom in before the Christmas season begins and the parks become mobbed with tourists.  

I can't believe the weather we are having.  I think it's been below 80* only once so far this fall/winter. I guess that is going to change come this weekend though.  
81* at 6:22...crazy
We decided, since it was open until midnight, that we would go later at night when we assumed it would be less busy.  And it was less busy...but still busier than I prefer.  I doubt it will ever be like it was in 2001-2002 when no one in our country was traveling.
Hair cut on the schedule tomorrow

 We walk 10x faster than most everyone else so, of course, it bothers me when I am trapped behind people who are just strolling along like they have no destination.  The other thing that really bothers me is when people stop in the middle of walkways, block walkways, or gather together in a group in the middle of walkways.  And all three of those happen once or twice every time we go. That being said, I always respect people in wheelchairs and scooters and exclude them from the irritants I listed above.  

The castle was beautiful with the lights on

Now, we will probably not be back to any Disney park until after Christmas...

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