Tuesday, December 22, 2015

I Say It's Great to be a Florida Gator

Zack and I trekked over to Gainesville tonight to see the Florida Gators play basketball.  

But first, we drove over to my parent's house to spend a few days.  And let me tell you...I could not get out of Orlando quick enough. Traffic, traffic, traffic!  It's unbelievable the number of people in Orlando right now. 

Of course, no drive along I4 can be without issues and today that came in the form of a fatal rollover crash in Volusia County.  The SUV was being loaded on a truck when we reached the crash site and, after 1/2 hour of grumbling and complaining, it immediately put things into crystal clear perspective.  Very humbling.

Anyway...the game:

Cheerleaders make a little more sense in basketball

We are quite used to sitting in the nosebleed section = cheaper tickets.
Our view

The last time we were here we saw Patrick Young score his 1,000th point for the Gators.  Today, we just saw Patrick Young. Zoom lens so great. 

Patrick Young sighting

Half time activities included a slam dunk contest between 3 youngsters. This one was the 'winner'

And because they were playing the Jacksonville Dolphins, they won big.   
They continued to grow an even bigger lead.  This was the score when we left

So glad I raised a Gator fan

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