Thursday, December 24, 2015

Mini Vaca Day Three

Oh this day!!! Complete fail!

First of all...the weather = crazy!  It was definitely a shorts kind of day with similar temps in the forecast. I'm not complaining.

The day started okay with our usual breakfast at Cracker Barrel 

And, of course, we had an extra passenger on board

Once we got home I wrapped some presents while my mom and watched White Christmas and took Ollie for a walk because he was looking at me like this:


I won't go into detail except to say my mom was in a mood and made it her mission to make the time miserable for everyone around her.  She succeeded in dramatic fashion.  

My sister ended up canceling (for a different reason) and the whole night was pretty much a flop.  

At least the tree looked good

And so did the dog

We finally decided to open some presents but it was really only a half-hearted attempt to have fun.

We ended the evening by finishing White Christmas.  I was hoping this would be relaxing but, unfortunately, my mom decided to to not watch it and instead spent the entire time complaining about her church.

Here's hoping for a better tomorrow

It can't get worse, right?

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