Saturday, June 25, 2016

Happily Exhausted

Working four days in a row at a fast food theme park restaurant in the middle of summer is no joke!!!!  It's been rough...


Trust me when I say that there is barely an hour that goes by that I don't thank God for the ability to be able to do this.  Every once in a while, I will feel (what I call) a burst of pain when I am at work, usually in my upper back or upper arms. It lasts only a second and then goes away,  but it is enough to remind me of what everyday life was like just a few years ago. The reality is, if I did not find success with the Tramadol, I would not even be able to do this.  

In fact, I have no doubt that I would be on disability right now. I'm ashamed to admit that I used to almost envy people who were on disability.  The sound of getting money for doing nothing - yeah...who wouldn't want that?  But, once it became my reality, it was very depressing and, frankly, scared me to death. I discovered that it was NOT something that I wanted.  

 Everyone at work finds it funny that I walk to my venue from wardrobe and then walk back to wardrobe after working all day when we have a shuttle bus that I could take.   But, for me, having known what it was like to be in so much pain that I did not even want to walk across a room, walking is something I don't ever take for granted.  It brings me joy because it is something that I CAN do.  

Anyway, as rough as some days can be looking after the food needs of demanding tourists, there is always some little thing that brings a smile to my face (like Sharlet).  Today that came in the form of a t-shirt worn by a man who was clearly at least in his 60's.  The back of his shirt read...Grow your own Weed complete with a picture of a marijuana plant.    

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