Monday, June 13, 2016

A Stand for Humanity

Like the rest of the world, I woke up yesterday morning and read about yet another mass shooting.  

This one, however, was slightly different since it happened practically in my back yard  (about 15 miles from where I live). 

There are still many unanswered questions about this tragedy and, truthfully, some questions may never be answered.  

People may use this situation as a platform to reinforce their own agenda whether that be sexual orientation, religious beliefs, or gun control.  

But as far as I am concerned, this is nothing more than an act of hatred against ALL humanity.  

The truth is, every person who died, whether they were gay, lesbian, or straight...whether they were Jewish, Christian, or Muslim...whether they were pro or anti gun control...was treasured and loved by God.  They were also treasured and loved by their families, who now are forced to live without them.  

The truth is, God is bigger than any circumstance so I will not live my life in fear.  I choose to live my life in faith.    This world is sinful and evil but 1 John 3:8 states, "the one who practices sin is of the devil; for the devil has sinned from the beginning. The son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil."  There is nothing that man can do to me that I fear for I know that my God will deliver me from this sinful and evil world and reward me with eternal life.  

The truth is, what the enemy meant for evil, God turns to good (Genesis 50:20 "But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good).  We are faced with situations that may overwhelm or seemingly defeat us but must remember to rely on the love, comfort, power, and wisdom of God.  And also, to let others see those qualities in us.  

Some may say, "where is God?" or "if there was a God, He would never let anything like this happen."  But the truth is, God's promises are not of THIS world.  THIS is not the world we should be longing for or clinging to.  

My prayers are for the comfort of those who lost loved ones.  The healing, both physically and emotionally, of those wounded. And for the wisdom of the authorities to uncover the facts involved.

I pray God will provide peace and unity and that His love will shine above all!  

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