Monday, March 23, 2015

4% is not Enough

 I love, Love, LOVE the school I teach at.  

Around Thanksgiving time we welcomed a new family to the school.  The two young girls had been previously home schooled by their mother.  Tragically, their little sister had just been diagnosed with terminal brain cancer (DIPG) and the parents were forced to put the girls in school to focus on the needs of their little one.  

Link to Their Caringbridge site

Evangeline "Jelly Bean"
I have been overwhelmed seeing the older student's embracing this family, praying for them, and holding countless fundraisers for them.  

Recently, when the mother asked for support for their 4% campaign...our students jumped into action.  

"The National Cancer Institute only gives less than 4% to research and to try to cure all 12 types and all 200 subtypes of childhood cancer. It’s not enough."

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