Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Taking Responsibility and Teaching Responsibility

Perhaps you have already heard about this story:


Or this:


Here is another:


In this day of age of social media these stories circulate quickly - usually by parents who are outraged by the 'treatment' they received. In most of these cases, the 'treatment' they received was simply being asked to leave a public place because their children's behavior  was disturbing others.  

I would just like to say that my children were perfect and beautiful no matter how they behaved or acted - to me... but I  also knew that the public at large did not feel that same way about my kids so I was always aware of how their behavior was affecting those around us.  

When they are younger, like most of the kids in these stories are, the problem has less to do with discipline and more to do with the attitudes and whims of a toddler which cannot be controlled.  What can be controlled, however, is the way a parent reacts to the situation. Simply sitting there and ignoring your screaming or restless child should not be an option.  

Take responsibility for your children and take control of the situation. 

I've heard from many parents who, mid meal, called an audible, requested to go boxes, and left with screaming kid(s) in tow to finish their meal at home.  Bravo. 

I, myself, have taken my child outside to walk around while others in my party ate in peace and then we tag teamed so that I could go in and eat. I have even spent a dinner in a restaurant bathroom with a crying infant because it was too cold to go outside.  

When did it become acceptable to disturb everyone around you by not parenting your child and then call 'unfair' when you are asked to leave?    

Then there is this story:


I'm kind of speechless over this one.  I don't know these families and I was not there but my common sense concludes that these were children desperately in need of discipline.  

Again, aware of how my children's behavior affected those around us, I taught my children that their behavior affected those around them.  

I taught them to be a blessing to those around them and not a burden. I taught them responsibility for their actions and self-control.  

And I reaped my rewards far earlier than I planned when we were trick or treating with some kids who were displaying atrocious behavior...

My 10 year old walked beside me and whispered in my ear, "mom, you love us too much to ever let us behave like that"  

Yes! True!  

In the words of George Osmond, "if we don't discipline our children. society will.  And society can be cruel."  

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