Friday, October 11, 2013

The Frustrating Side of Ollie

There are times when Ollie definitely has his his own ideas of what he wants do to - and they in no way match up with my plans.

Tonight we got home a little late from having dinner out...and it's starting to get dark way earlier these I decided I would skip our nightly walk so I could get a jump on all the cleaning I needed to do.

Yeah - that didn't go over so well.

All night long he started out at the backyard...
Still looking out the window at 8:00.  Notice it's dark already?

He would alternate this with giving me the look
Please take me out for a walk

Meanwhile - I'm trying to clean the kitchen

And it's not like he can't go out in the backyard by himself...we have probably 3 acres back there for him to walk around and sniff and explore.  And he knows his boundaries.  

But he just WILL NOT!  If I open the door to let him out, he will just stand there and look up at me waiting for me to go out first.  

Bad news, buddy.  Cold days are ahead...nightly walks will be coming to an end soon.

Side note:  Three weeks on the Tramadol and all is well.  Yesterday I started seriously exercising again; the first time in over 15 months. 

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