Monday, October 21, 2013

One Month

Saturday the 19th marked one month taking the Tramadol for fibromyalgia and nerve pain.

I cannot believe the difference!

This past summer was horrible for me and there were several times that I briefly considered a trip to the doctor or ER because I could not handle the pain.  The only thing that stopped me was that I was already taking pain medicines (and pretty strong one too) and so I didn't know what could even be done for me. 

I know the Tramadol is working if for no other reason than I have not thought that one.single.time. since starting. And I am no longer taking any of that strong pain medicine I was taking this summer - that never really worked anyway. My mindset told me that if I was in that much pain while taking pain medicine...imagine how much I'd be in if I ever didn't take it!  Oh if I only knew.

 I wish I could say I was 100% pain free but that is not the case... I am 90% pain free and I'll take that any day!

I am not, however, completely satisfied.  I am happy about the lack of pain but also know that the symptoms are not gone...they are just being covered up by a medication so I don't feel the pain.

I was introduced to a holistic healer who claims he can "re-set" a body and rid it of any ailments that they may have.  He has done this for things such as migraines and common illnesses like colds with a great degree of success (I guess).  He is just starting to try it with fibromyalgia. I have always been a bit skeptical about these things but he is offering his services free so I guess I can't really go wrong.  I am a "test subject" for him and just need to provide him with honest feedback.

The only drawback is he does not live near here so I have to wait until December when he is back in this area.  I'm still thinking about it.

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