Friday, April 12, 2013

Some Days Are Just Like That

This day has thrown me roadblocks from the minute I got up this morning - at 3:00 a.m.

The hour from 3:00-4:00 was spent in bed trying to sleep through stomach pains...but not being overly successful. 

The hours from 4:00-6:00 were spent taking intermittent bathroom breaks and feeling nauseous. I was hoping against all hope that I wasn't getting the flu.

Thankfully, I was feeling better by 6:00 so I was able to make it to school.

The VCS server was down again today which meant I did not have access to my computer AND the 4th graders could not do any keyboarding like I had planned.

On the way home from school I decided to stop at the store and get the groceries I would need to make some dinners I can freeze.  As I am checking out, and just as the cashier tells me my items came to $110.00, I realized that I did not have my debit card!  Thankfully, I did have Jon's and they let me run it as credit  (surprisingly)since I didn't know his pin number. And now I owe him $100.00.

Once I got home...I washed all the sheets and blankets from the beds and made 3 meals at the same time (1 to eat tonight and 2 to freeze for later).

I'm exhausted!

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