Monday, June 25, 2012

Another Tooth Bites the Dust

It is a well known fact, for those that know me well, that my teeth are a major source of stress (and pain) for me.  

Soft, eroding enamel, lovingly inherited from my mother cause many infections and abscesses that eventually lead to root canals or extractions.  

Yes indeedy, I have had so many extractions that I have lost count...but if I was keeping count, one more could be added today.

Luckily most of those teeth are molars so they are not seen...and luckier still, I have an understanding husband who won't let me go through life looking like a hillbilly with missing teeth (no offense to those who have missing front teeth).

But, as the extraction site needs two weeks to heal...I will be doing a limited amount of smiling until July 11th when a temporary tooth will be placed.  Just a warning...not to be offended if I don't smile when I see you.  

You would think after so much experience with tooth problems, I would be used to it by now.  

You could...but you would be soooooo wrong!!!

I am a little bitty baby when it comes to my teeth. 

I've already had a root canal this year which drained all our insurance money so this reconstruction work will be out of pocket...but my alternative would be to take antibiotics and pain pills every other month until January when our insurance renews and that, my friends, is NOT an option.

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