Sunday, March 26, 2017

Last Mardi Gras

I can hardly believe it but my second year of Mardi Gras is in the books.   Sadly, even though we got there a full hour before the parade began, our normal viewing area was already full.  We enjoy that particular viewing area because you get to see the parade twice...once when begins as it makes it's way out to go around the rest of the park, and then again on it's way back.  It's one of those things that only locals would know so pretty much the only people who watch from there are regulars.  

And speaking of regulars...there is this guy.

He is there all the time and he has not changed at all.  But I feel bad that I jumped to the conclusion of drugs because I am now convinced there is something else going on there.  He remains a mystery.  

Anyway, final bead count for this year is exactly 300.  

Side Note: Unfortunately, I am now back to my old tiny point and shoot camera until I can figure out the battery issue on my other one.  It's crazy to me that a less than $100 camera outlasts a $400 one.  

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Spring Breaking

It's hard to believe that Spring Break is almost over because I've been so busy that, besides being able to sleep in, it hardly feels like a break.  

I'll rewind to Thursday...

The students had a half day with a noon dismissal.  I spent the afternoon DEEP cleaning my room, grading papers, and completing report cards.  I then had to go to Huntington and work from 4:30 to 5:30. Once I got home, the rest of the night was spent doing lesson plans, entering grades into gradebook, and putting a class project together for an upcoming auction the school is having. 

Friday:  The students were off today but we still had to put in at least a half day.  I finished the cleaning of my room, ran off copies for the week we come back, put the attendance in the report cards, and generally wasted time until we could leave. On the way home I had the 'brilliant' idea of stopping off at the car dealership to look for a new car.  This was on my "to do list" over Spring Break so I thought maybe I could knock it off early.  I did not realize that I would be there for four+ hours!    And, after all that time, still not be able to drive off in my new car!  We had planned to do Mardi Gras that night but had to cancel because I spent so long at the dealership.  Instead, once I finally got home, Zack and I went to Chili's for dinner.  

Saturday:  My alarm went off at 9:15 and I got ready and headed out the door to work 10-11:30 at Huntington.  Once I got home, I took Ollie for a walk, made scrambled eggs for lunch, and collapsed into bed for a 2 hr nap.  Then I packed a suitcase, packed up the car, and we hit the road for Flagler Beach to visit my parents.  They were gone when we arrived so I took a quick shower and worked on putting binders together for my low reading students.  

Sunday:  Ollie made sure to wake us up early (9:00 is early to me). We went to Manny's for lunch and by the time we got to my parent's it was almost 4:00.  I took Ollie for a walk, put my jammies on, and relaxed for the evening,  

Monday:  Ollie let us sleep until 9:30 -still early in my book.  My mom took us to McDonalds for breakfast/lunch and then we drove back to Orlando.  I had to work from 5:30 to 7:30.

Tuesday:  I had an appointment at Wal-Mart vision center.  My prescription went from 4.25 to 3.75 so that was interesting.  I no more got home than I had to take Ollie to the vet for his shots...and he has another ear infection in his left ear (how nice)!  At night we went to Tampa Bay to watch the Lightning play... or try to play.

They lost!  ðŸ˜ ðŸ˜•ðŸ˜–😒😢

But we still had a good time.  

Wednesday:  This day I had to take Ollie to the groomers.  It has been his first real haircut since July.  When finances were tight, grooming had to be pushed aside and I was just cutting his hair at home trying to keep it from matting.  I was feeling so bad for him but now, even though his hair is shorter than I like it, he finally looks good again.  At night, I met C.J. at Universal for the Mardi Gras parade.  

And once again, I have more beads than I know what to do with.  I think I have more this year than last year even though we have gone less.  

Thursday (today):  This was the one day when I had nothing planned during the day except to sleep in and relax.  This was also the day that guys from AT&T knocked on my door at 10:00 waking me up and then spent the next 2.5 hours installing cable wiring in my bedroom closet.  It would not have been so bad except that during that 2.5 hours my apartment was like a revolving door with people knocking on the door every two to three minutes!  And, of course, Ollie had to bark every!single!time!  Yeah,  not relaxing at all.  I was supposed to work tonight from 4-7:30 but my 5:30-7:30 appointment canceled so I was able to leave early.

Tomorrow, I have to go to the bank, get my taxes done, and bring my computer in since Zack destroyed the hard drive on it.

Friday, March 17, 2017

The Latest in a Long Line of Cars

Ever since getting rid of my Chevy Malibu a couple years ago, I have been on a quest to find myself a "long-term" car - a car I can see myself in for 5+ years.  

I thought I had found it in the 2015 Toyota Corolla I bought a couple years ago.

However, there were a couple things about the car that I did not like.  It did not have cruise control which, for me, is almost a make or break deal.  Of course, when I test drove the car, I took the dealer's word that it did and did not look for it...BIG mistake!  The other thing was kind of silly but there are roughly 1 million white Toyota Corolla's driving around the streets of Orlando. That is obviously an exaggeration but,seriously, I see at least one just about every time I'm out on the road.  

So, in October, 2015, when I had the opportunity to dump the car without taking a loss, I took advantage of it. That, in itself, also turned out to be a big mistake.  My current vehicle, a 2011 Chevy Aveo is, quite frankly, the worst car I have ever owned.  I can always tell when it is windy because the car is all over the road.  Currently, the car has an electrical issue that causes the left directional to not work,  and the tire pressure, oil, and check engine lights are constantly on. If I turn the wheel hard or go over a bump, the car sounds as if it is going to fall apart. And, again, no cruise control!   

So, now that I am moving and have a second job, and finances are better, I thought the time was right to take the plunge and find a long term car. I had done a lot of researching and kind of had it nailed down to a Kia Rio or a Chevy Spark.  I knew I liked the Spark because we had it as a rental when we were in Wisconsin a couple weeks ago.  I also had in mind a specific color I liked.  

I visited the Chevy dealership this afternoon and...there it was!!!  

A 2017 Chevy Spark with 9 miles on it AND cruise control AND in my preferred color!  

AND for only $10,000!  

It's very similar to this one (but without the black trim around the license plate and on the hood)

We spent the next 4 hours putting together a deal.  Unfortunately,  I was not able to drive it home tonight because the only proof of income I could provide was my bank statements showing direct deposit of my pay check which is, of course, net income and, for some reason, they need a statement that shows gross income.  

Since we are now on Spring Break until March 27, it could be up to 11 days before I am able to get that proof!  UGH!!!  

But the deal is done...and the car is mine...and I am so happy to be free from that Aveo!  

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

My How Times Have Changed

I am probably dating myself but I learned to read using a series of books now fondly known as "Dick and Jane" books.  

At the time, they were simply words on a page that I had to read, but now,  I find them quite entertaining.  Paging through the book, I am amused by the well defined gender roles that were common place during that time.  

Jane is wearing a dress with knee socks and patent leather Mary Jane shoes.   Dick has on blue jeans or pants, t shirt, and canvas tennis shoes. Then there is Sally...because two kids are not enough... in a dress of her own with socks and shoes similar to Jane's. Mom is wearing either a dress or some kind of skirt/shirt combination, complete with nylons, dress shoes, and, usually,  an apron. She is most likely seen either in the kitchen cooking, cleaning the house, or taking care of the kids.  And let's not forget dad, just home from a day at the office, in his suit and tie. Or, while at home, he is outside doing yard work.   Oh...and no perfect family is complete without a dog and cat, which is where Spot and Puff come in.

But the changing times I'm talking about have nothing to do with stereotypical gender roles that have been reconstructed over time...

The change I am talking about is when a 2nd grade boy discovers the girl sitting next to him has a "Dick and Jane" book, takes it away from her, and brings it to me...

 "Mrs. Koeck, look, this book has a bad word on it."  

Dick is no longer just a name!!!!!   

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Wisconsin Mini Vacay Day Four - Going Home

We had a morning flight so that meant getting up early (6:15) so that I could be sure we would have enough time to turn in the rental car and get through security.'s a good thing I did because, as it turned out, we needed just about every minute of those 2 hours.  The security line was ridiculously long and they had only 1 line open, 1 belt open, and 1 metal detector open.  The TSA agent claimed they were under staffed today and that may have been true but I also know that they announced at least every ten minutes that for "just $80.00 for five years" you could get a TSA pre-approval rating and skip the long lines.  Just another way they are looking to squeeze more money out people.  

Also, I was lucky enough to get my laptop tagged for additional screening.  I guess it looked threatening sitting there on top of my computer bag.  The family in front of me was getting scrutinized and interrogated for the three bottles of breast milk they had packed. So I had to wait while they looked at every aspect of the bottles, looked at every single angle, put them under this machine, and asked the couple a million and one questions before letting them pass and finally moving on to my computer.  


The flight itself was good and on time - which is the most important thing. C.J. picked us up so I wouldn't have to spend a fortune on a cab again.  We picked up Ollie (so happy to see him again) and then stopped at Publix for my medication and some milk.   

It was a great little trip and I am always so grateful for any time I can spend with Carey but I am glad to be home and back in warm weather and green trees and grass.  

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Wisconsin Mini Vacay Day Three

As soon as I woke up this morning, a wonderful smell greeted me - lemon - chocolate chip scones with a frosting drizzle!  Seriously yum!  

In addition to that surprise, we had company for our morning coffee which added to the enjoyment.  

In the afternoon, I dropped Zack and one his friends from Valley Christian off at the YMCA. 

I picked them up at 5:00 and decided to hit up West End for pizza. Best! Pizza! Ever!  

We dropped Zack's friend off and went home.  I put my warm jammies on and Carey and I watched a couple episodes of The Crown.        

Friday, March 3, 2017

Wisconsin Mini Vacay Day Two

No pictures of my own today because my camera is acting up.  I am hoping it just needs new batteries because if the camera battery is malfunctioning, I am going to have a fit.  I paid a lot of money for that camera and expect it to last longer than two years!!! 

Zack had wanted to go into school and have lunch with his friends but they were on a field trip.  ðŸ˜’😒 So instead, we went to Buffalo Wild Wings and then to Target.  I had a $15.00 gift card from Christmas and really needed a new purse.  For the past 6+ months I have been toting around my dirty Tampa Bay Lightning Bag instead of a purse.  

I took Zack into school at 3:15 and he was able to say hi to all his friends.  We had Papa John's pizza for dinner and then went back to school for the regional semi-final game.  

The game was amazing but I know Zack was wishing he was out on that court too.  

picture from Northwestern

Picture from Facebook-final score

One we got home, I put on my jammies and we visited with Emily and watched the ending of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.  

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Wisconsin Mini Vacay Day One

After not falling asleep until about midnight, 3:50 came way too early.  I left plenty of time for everything so there was no rush or stress.  

I have come to expect problems with everything so I was genuinely surprised when 
things seemed to be going along without an issue...the cab I ordered on Monday night picked us up at 5:00 am sharp!  We only live about 15 minutes from the Orlando Airport so the drive was quick.

After checking in, we had time to sit in the food court and have some breakfast from McDonalds.  

Even at 5:45 am, the TSA security checkpoint was crazy long.  

But...we made it through and then it was off to our gate

The flight, which was scheduled to take off at 7:15 actually left a bit late.  I'm not sure what time, but I'm guessing it was somewhere around 7:35.  

We flew Frontier Airlines (Walrus plane A321)  

Budget flying for sure as we did not even get a soda to drink

Snow greeted us...

Once we landed, we hit our first snag...because...hello... this is me... and until this time, things were going way too smoothly!! 

I left Zack at the baggage claim while I went to get the rental car.  I had booked the rental online through Thrifty and I felt so organized arriving with my confirmation number thinking, "this should be quick with a pre-arranged order and the confirmation! Then, they asked for my credit card. I gave them my debit card and OH HECK NO!   They MUST have a credit card or show a return trip itinerary and TWO forms of ID.  And because they would not accept my work ID, I only had ONE form of ID.

At the same time I'm having a mini-meltdown in my mind about the car situation, Zack is calling me to tell me that our bag did not come out and "must have been left in Orlando!"  A little deep breathing and I leave the rental disaster to deal with the luggage debacle.  I arrive at Baggage Claim to see Zack standing there WITH our suitcase!  Evidently, he thought our suitcase was black and not dark blue so.....!!  

Anyway, back at the rental car counter, I walked up and down the counter asking every single company their rental policies and they were all the same as Thrifty (note to self: bring a credit card with you when you rent a car)I finally found Avis who would rent a car with only one form of ID so, even though it ended up being $50.00 more than Thrifty,I counted it as a win and jumped on it. After some paperwork was complete, I drove off in a spiffy red Chevy Spark.  Holy smallness!  

Even with that fiasco, we still had plenty of time to drive the 1.5 hours to Oshkosh before my 3:00 appointment at the doctor.  

The appointment itself (the whole reason we are here) went very well and I left feeling so grateful for a doctor that completely understands me.  

For dinner, we met Pat (Otto was sick) at Tortilla Flats for margaritas and chips and salsa.  We miss those chips and salsa so much we actually arrived 20 minutes early so that we could shovel them in, stopping for a necessary breath here and there.

Great dinner.....great conversation

Once we got back, I put my warm jammies on, Clare (who had had surgery that afternoon and was loopy with the anesthesia after effects) crawled in my lap and fell asleep, and Carey and I watched a Hallmark movie.
And Oh my it ever cold!   

The Grief Train

  To inject some kind of light-heartedness into our situation, I like to say that the grief train paid us a visit and just will not leave!  ...