Sunday, March 5, 2017

Wisconsin Mini Vacay Day Four - Going Home

We had a morning flight so that meant getting up early (6:15) so that I could be sure we would have enough time to turn in the rental car and get through security.'s a good thing I did because, as it turned out, we needed just about every minute of those 2 hours.  The security line was ridiculously long and they had only 1 line open, 1 belt open, and 1 metal detector open.  The TSA agent claimed they were under staffed today and that may have been true but I also know that they announced at least every ten minutes that for "just $80.00 for five years" you could get a TSA pre-approval rating and skip the long lines.  Just another way they are looking to squeeze more money out people.  

Also, I was lucky enough to get my laptop tagged for additional screening.  I guess it looked threatening sitting there on top of my computer bag.  The family in front of me was getting scrutinized and interrogated for the three bottles of breast milk they had packed. So I had to wait while they looked at every aspect of the bottles, looked at every single angle, put them under this machine, and asked the couple a million and one questions before letting them pass and finally moving on to my computer.  


The flight itself was good and on time - which is the most important thing. C.J. picked us up so I wouldn't have to spend a fortune on a cab again.  We picked up Ollie (so happy to see him again) and then stopped at Publix for my medication and some milk.   

It was a great little trip and I am always so grateful for any time I can spend with Carey but I am glad to be home and back in warm weather and green trees and grass.  

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