Thursday, August 13, 2015

Shamu Show

Yesterday afternoon, on a whim, I decided to walk over to Sea World for the sole purpose of seeing the Shamu show.  

Before the show starts, the barrier between pools is open so the whales have free reign to swim wherever they want.  There were six of the altogether.

Four of them were doing this unusual and unprompted thing where two of the would float on their back while the other two looked as if they were supporting them with their nose.  Every so often the one floating on their back would roll off so the other one could come up for air and then they would go right back.  It was cool to watch. 

The show started at 2:00 and it did not disappoint.

I wish I could put my videos on here but apparently they are too long so I'll add links instead.

On my way out I passed the sea lions and -oh my- were they being loud! And playful.

Except this little guy who was napping with his face in the sun

I also passed the dolphin stadium just as the show was starting so I decided to stay for that.  It was okay - the dolphins were only in the first and last segments of the show. Other than that, there was a lot of acrobatics involved.  


The acrobatic part - kind of a yawn for me

And here is the link to the dolphin show.  

I never saw the movie Blackfish but I will say it was amazing watching these animals respond to their trainers. The bond was evident and while the whales were rewarded with food, one could see the love and trust between them and the trainers and I sensed a desire to please them.  The animals themselves appeared happy...after all...this is their's really all they know.  There is no way they would survive in the wild.  

I will be going back again - and soon - to see it again.  

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