Friday, August 21, 2015

Last Universal of Summer

This summer we made a point of getting to Universal once a week.  C.J. would look at our work schedules and pick a night that we both had the next day off.  Then we would get together, have a fast food dinner, and then head in for some theme park fun for a couple hours....which we did last night.

I was on a mission to try the egg rolls at my work place.  I have never been able to find egg rolls that compare to those at the Chinese pavilion at EPCOT.  We have some amazing Asian food at the Comic Strip all cooked by a nice old Chinese lady so I thought I'd give it a try. And...oh my...YUM!  And this reusable cup is a must have if you are a frequent visitor to the park. $9.99 investment for the cup itself and then $1.06 (with tax) for every refill - forever! 

While I pigged out C.J. and Zack went on Poseidon's Fury.  Then we went over to Universal and went on the Mummy (still one of my faves)
Image from Google

E.T. (always one of my faves)
Image from Google

Image from Google

And Men In Black...I sucked!!
Image from Google

Image from Google

By this time it was raining - because of course it was - so we camped out under cover to see the Beetlejuice show.  

It looked like it would have been a good show... from the 7 minutes we were able to see.  


Beetlejuice Show

When the show began it was thundering, wicked lightning, and pouring.  Then suddenly, 7 minutes into the show, they cancelled it due to "inclement weather."  Even though by this time the thunder and lightning had stopped and the rain had slowed to a drizzle????  


So we saw Shrek and called it a night.  

C.J. could hardly control his excitement that decorating for Halloween Horror Nights has begun.

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