Monday, May 13, 2013


Day to get things done.

First on my list was a three way conference call with an insurance rep and a billing rep from the hospital. 

We have a $150.00 Emergency Room co-pay and all tests and procedures performed during said ER visit are covered 100%. 

Well...the detailed explanation of our bill had a $300.00 ER charge and then also charged for all the blood tests he had while in the ER.

To sum things up quickly, if Jon had been discharged from the ER before being admitted...we would have paid the $150.00 and that would have been the end of that.  BUT because Jon was a direct admit from the ER...all those charges get rolled into the bill and fall under our 80/20.

Oh how I love the medical field and insurance companies!  And incidentally, the detailed bill had me paying $4.00 more for one of Jon's pills than a whole months worth costs.

Anyway, these are the $60.00 shoes I got for just $15.00 from Scheels.

I can't get over how big my son's foot is...which is probably just average for his age...but still looks big to me.

Because it is finals week for Jon, he didn't have to be to school until 3:00 so I dropped him off, drove back to Oshkosh to pick up mom and Zack from school, stopped at Pick-n-Save to get some Pork Chops for $1.49/lb, then drove back to Neenah to pick up Jon.

We had time to waste in between so we waited in a McDonalds parking lot.

While we were waiting, mom decided to go in and use the bathroom. Ollie didn't like that too much.

Where is she going?

I'm waiting

And waiting

And waiting

Finally, here she booster seat is back.

After picking up Jon we came home for the evening.  I am seriously hoping for a more relaxed week than last week.  However, dad is coming back tomorrow for a couple nights again - so who knows.

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