Friday, May 3, 2013

First Night Downstairs

I am weird...yes, I will come right out and admit that.

I love being hot.  I love hot weather - the hotter the better.  My computer room at school stays an average temp of about 80* and many people come in and ask me how I can stand being in there - ha!  It's me, remember, I love it hot~

Except when I sleep...then I NEED it to be cold.  I need to be able to snuggle under the warm blankets and then pull them up and curl them around my head and chin. 

This creates a problem in the summer because, even with the air conditioning on, the upstairs stays about 5 degrees warmer.  So...even with the air set at 70*, it will be 75* in our upstairs bedroom. sleep is not going happen for me then.

My simple - but weird - solution is to throw a mattress down on the floor in the lower level of our house.  Down there - it remains about 5* cooler than whatever we have the air conditioning set at.  Perfect for sleeping.

Normally, I can make it to June without needing to make the move but with back to back days in the 80's this past week...I made the move on Wednesday night.

Sometimes, Zack will join me (as he did that evening) and, of course, Ollie always joins me because wherever I am - that is where Ollie is!

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