Friday, May 24, 2013

7th Grade Done

Zack is finished with final exams and is now officially an 8th grader!

I wanted a picture of him on his last day as we were heading out the door and, of course, he had a basketball in his hands....


I cannot tell you how proud of this little (big) guy that I am.  He completely took control of his schooling this year - the only thing I ever helped him with was studying for tests - and even that I would only do when he asked for help!

He has ended the year with all A's and B's... his school only gives out semester grades twice a year so, to be exact, he got 12 A's, 2 B+'s, and 4 B's!  He will be one of the 5 students in his class (out of 18) to receive an academic achievement award this year for getting all A's and B's all year! 

And he goes to a very academically challenging school!

Now, we can relax and enjoy our summer...

with this thing!

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