Friday, May 4, 2012


Wednesday night Zack and I went to bed at our normal time of 10:00.

Here are my thoughts as to how the night went...

10:30 - Thunderstorm begins.  Oh great timing...guess I am not sleeping for a while

11:30 - Wow!  Thunderstorm is still going on...guess I'll get up and get a drink and use the bathroom.

12:30 - Hmm...not over yet.  Thunderstorms usually don't last this long.  It must be close to being over.

1:30 - Jeez...Thunderstorm is still going on...guess I'll get up and check the radar on my computer to see how much longer this is going to last...okay looks it should be completely done by 2:30. Not great but I can still get a good 4.5 hours of sleep if that is true.

2:30 - Nope...not true.  Still thundering and lightning out.

3:30 - long can this thing last? 

4:30 - Finally it sounds as if it is stopping...I can still get 2.5 hours of sleep...and then...

4:45 - BAM (huge clap of thunder right above our house)  

5:00 - Okay...I may as well just get up!!

6+ hours of continuous thunder and lightning = no sleep at all.

And the flooding was crazy.  This picture is not a lake.  It is of a driving range under water.

At least Zack slept through a lot of it so he was able to get up for school yesterday morning.

And it was my day off anyway so the 2 hour nap in the afternoon was nice.

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