Thursday, May 31, 2012

Meet Anya and Blake

I had a complete post written about breathing...but I HATE to be Debbie Downer so I deleted it.

Instead, I want to focus on these two:

This is Anya... 5year old girl

And this is Blake...6 year old boy

Both are available for adoption through Recces Rainbow.

Both are from region 14 in Russia and both desperately need a family.

Did you know in Russia children are only in orphanages and available for adoption for a limited period of time?  At a certain age, they are transferred to an institution to live until they turn which time they are released into society with only the clothes on their back.

I have just one question...

WHY OH WHY is international adoption so stinkin' expensive?  

Hubby and I have looked into the expense of adopting one (or both) of these cuties...$35000.00 for one adoption!

I believe that more of these children in orphanages would be lovingly taken care of in American homes if it didn't cost so much!

 Reeces Rainbow does a fabulous job raising funds to help place these children (most with Down Syndrome or special needs) and, in some cases, $8,000.00 or more is available towards the costs of the some cases grants, or even loans, are available.  But it still leaves huge costs that need to be filled through fundraisers or private donations or out of pocket. 

 Another fabulous thing about Reeces Rainbow is that if you are not in a financial position to donate money, you can simply be a Prayer Warrior.  Simply browse the list of children available for adoption, pick your child(ren) and commit to lifting them up to the Lord...praying that they will find that family they so desperately need.

Thus, my connection to Anya and Blake...for now. 

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