Tuesday, May 22, 2012


...I woke up and realized that there are only two more days of school (now only one).  This seems crazy to even think about!

...I took Jon to pick out a new pair of glasses...you know...since he lost his old pair..."old" as in 4 months old. *sigh*

...I discovered that Jon also has lost his wallet when I asked him for his debit card. (didn't think I was going to pay for his new glasses when I just bought him a pair in January did ya?) *double sigh*

...I had the afternoon off because the elementary kids had their annual field day.

...I got my contract for next year.  I am so happy about this...but honestly, I would have been happier if it said "fourth grade classroom teacher."  But, I am pleased that they thought I did a good enough job teaching Computer this year to ask me back for another one.  And I am just so blessed to be a part of this amazing school...in whatever capacity I can.

...I am enjoying one last day with Jon before he leaves for Florida tomorrow for the summer.  It should be interesting getting him on his flight tomorrow if he cannot find his wallet with his ID :{  

...I made 18 copies of the videos that the 8th graders made and edited.  They did an amazing job.

How about you?  This is the day that the Lord has made...enjoy every minute of it.

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