Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Surviving May

In some ways, May was my favorite month of the year when I was teaching in my classroom.  I loved seeing the students put into practice all the learning they had done throughout the year.  The end of the year comprehensive exams were like a visual pat-on-the-back for a year of hard work. 

But, in many ways, May was my least favorite month.

This sounds like an oxymoron, I know.  And I know you're also probably  thinking "what kind of a weido doesn't look forward to a three month vacation...paid!"

But, unless you're as passionate about your job as I probably wouldn't understand. 

There is something bittersweet about bonding with a group of you had spent 35 hours a week with for the past 8 months...and then having to watch them leave. 

 Hoping that some of the things you have taught them has seeped into their inner being so that they will carry it with them always. 

Hoping that, somehow, in some small way, you have left your footprint on their soul. 

May marks the end of something great!

And for that reason...I was always very sad when the calendar flipped to May.

This year...things are so different.  I have not had one class or one group of students that I have bonded with.  Instead, I have had a revolving door of assorted classes/students that have filtered in and out at 30-45 minute intervals. 

And I will have this same assortment of students next year, give or take a few. 

May just feels different this year.  I find myself counting the days I have left, which I always did.  But this year it is for a different reason.  I have 12 days (of actual teaching) left in case you were wondering.

I'm not sure I like this new May feeling!!!

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