Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Post With A Bunch of Sentences...and a Couple Pictures

The big storm yesterday turned out to be a big nothing.  It rained all day...then turned to snow later at night when the temp dropped to 32*

We awoke this morning to a very light blanket of snow covering the ground and by 10:00, it was gone:

That little bit of snow left should be gone soon as warmer temps are being forecast for next week.

C.J. comes tomorrow. know how I love the airport pick-up.  I'm looking forward to a great week.
We got a new car yesterday...well, new to us anyway.  It was actually Jerry's sister who got the new car...and sold us her old one.  With gas prices on the rise again it will be nice for Jerry to be able to park his big truck and use this car instead.
Jon is doing better with the help of a counselor he visits every other week.  He also went to his campus doctor for a kidney stone follow-up and he still has traces of blood in his urine. That shouldn't be there.  I am not totally convinced he ever passed the stone since he wasn't able to catch it in the strainer.  So, he is doing a 2 week course of antibiotics and after that, if the blood is still present, I think they should explore the possibility that the kidney stone is still there.  
This is how Ollie traveled to Platteville last weekend:

What a life.  As I said to my husband this must be nice to only have to move from your upstairs bed to your downstairs bed every morning.
Jerry's brother (Doug) is doing well.  He is about 1/2 done with the radiation treatments and is feeling surprisingly good.  No word on when they will re-scan the brain.  
And remember my blanket post?  My mom called me yesterday to tell me they had found it.  Stuck deep down in the pull-out couch that Zack slept on. Now I will be able to put it in his memory box!

So...that's what has been happening around here.

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