Thursday, March 22, 2012

Be Still My Soul

We are chartering some choppy water here.  Health issues combined with mental issues have made this a very tough week to navigate. 
As I was driving today, my mind occupied with thoughts of another CT scan for Jon today, God spoke to me in the form of this song...Be Still My Soul.  
I was again reminded that, while I was rowing through the choppy waters this week, when the waters are choppy I should be handing the oars over to my God.
So I am passing the oars to God, confidant that He will keep our ship afloat until we reach the calmer waters.  
I had planned to continue with the Jon updates today but felt led to write this post instead. And speaking of Jon, he could use prayer right now.  Maybe, soon, I will reveal the extent of what he is going through right now.  But for now...just pray that his CT scan this afternoon will reveal some answers...and then pray that the answers have an easy fix. 

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