Thursday, November 15, 2012

Cancer Sucks Revisted

Tonight we got the call.  The call no one wants to receive..."Doug is not doing well, you better come to the hospital."

My husband's brother has been in the hospital for about a week with pneumonia.  Three days ago they also discovered a bacterial infection in his bloodstream (sepsis).  Yesterday, a CT scan of his brain was ordered due to the presence of some confusion on his part.  The scan was devastating...the 8 spots on his brain have all virtually tripled in size in just three weeks...even though he is currently on an IV chemo treatment.  There are no more options for him.
We got to the hospital about 7:00 and stayed for an hour or so.  He was never once able to open his eyes.  He alternated between sound rest (with very labored breathing) and clenching his fists and grabbing his head in obvious pain. 

I sat next to my mother-in-law, held her hand, put my arm around her, and prayed for peace.  My mother's heart was aching for her and a tear or two fell from my eyes.  I cannot imagine watching your child go through that.  No matter how old they are - even if they've been out on their own for 20+ years - a mother's heart is a mother's heart. 

I don't know what the days or weeks ahead will entail...only God does.  I will continue to pray for healing - even if it is not the kind of healing we desire.

**As  a side note - on the way home from the hosptial last night the driver in a minivan ahead of us fell asleep at the wheel.  We were on the highway going about 65mph at the time.  Hubby had just switched lanes to pass him and he began drifting over into our lane!!!  He then hit the gravel on the side of the road...over-corrected and side swiped a young girl in an SUV(which ended up in a ditch)...over-corrected again and started careening back into our lane. Hubby had to gun the accelerator to avoid being clipped in our back end.  The minivan then slammed into a guardrail.  Thankfully no one was injured!!!!
The old man and his wife had just come from a hospital where their daughter is also dying...they had been there all day and he fell asleep at the wheel.  Again, I thought my heart was going to explode with pain for them! 
The blessing is that everyone was okay...but we had to stay until the police arrived and give witness statements.

What an evening!!!!!!  I hope to never repeat!

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